Happy birthday, Kinley!

Here’s a sneak peek at a recent session with Kinley. It’s hard to believe Miss Kinley is 2 years old! I’ve been photographing her since she was only 3 months old. We had a lot of fun at her 2 year session!





Apparently I’m really bad at keeping this blog updated! I apologize. Here are some pictures of sweet Miss Kylie from a recent session. This little girl is so precious! I’ve been photographing her since she was only a week or two old, and this time I got the privilege of also photographing her mommy and daddy with her.

Is it worth it?

Occasionally I am told by clients or potential clients that some of my prices are “expensive.” This is always a bit confusing to me, considering I’m actually kind of middle-of-the-road for pricing on photographic services in my area. Just yesterday I was discussing this with my husband, when he began telling me how thankful he was that I am a photographer because he would be unwilling to pay the amount of money it would take to support my habit otherwise. This statement also made me thankful I am a photographer. It might have been a deal breaker early in our relationship otherwise. Truly.

You see, I insisted on booking our wedding photographer before I even had a ring on my hand – before my husband-to-be had even talk to my dad in fact. My husband picked the date, and I picked the photographer. The photographer was out of the price range that I knew my parents would be willing to pay, and I knew it. I didn’t care, and I was more than willing to pay the extra (or full price) myself. To me, it was worth it. In fact, our photographer took up more of our wedding budget than my dress. It was that important to me. The memories were that important to me. Too often I had heard (and continue to hear) horror stories of couples hiring Aunt Sally or receiving “photography services” from a distant cousin as a wedding gift, just to be left with horrible quality prints, or worse, no prints at all. I’ve seen this played out in all areas of photography, not just weddings.

With this fresh on my mind, I happened across the following through a friend’s Facebook post.

A letter on my door step. portraits are more than paper.

Now the next time you hear someone say they “can’t afford,” professional portraits or they “don’t have time,” please forward this to them. What kind of price do you put on your memories? Are they worth more than a few dinners out? Whether you choose to have me photograph your child, family, or event, or not – please choose someone. Don’t put it off. Don’t make excuses. Make the time. Skip the restaurants for a weekend or two, and schedule a date with your family and a photographer.

Make the memories, and have those memories captured.

Happy New Year! Any questions?

I’ve been debating what to do with this blog. I don’t want to get rid of it, but I think posting the same pictures here and on Facebook is a bit boring. I would like to do something a bit different with the blog this year. Random people, friends, and clients are often asking me photography-related questions. At the moment of course I can’t remember any of them, so if you have any questions (camera questions, photographing kids, preparing kids for a professional session, choosing a photographer, photo printing, etc.) send them to me at emily@emilyanderson.biz and I’ll answer them here!

Happy birthday, Bailey!

Here is another quick look at a birthday party I photographed back in September! You might even spot my little guys in a few of these!

Love this kid!

Happy Birthday, Brooklyn & Madison!

I’ve been terrible with my blogging this year! Between a bazillion sessions, 2 kiddos under 2, and all the other crazy stuff that comes with being alive, my poor blog has been neglected. Here are some photos from a fun birthday party I photographed a few weeks ago though. It’s so hard to believe these girls are already a year old!

Mini Accordion Albums

Looking for a unique way to show off your latest portraits of your family?
These little guys have been getting quite a bit of attention lately! They are a fairly new product, and I must say that I sure do love them. They are completely customizable and make awesome (and fairly inexpensive) little brag book gifts for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.
The Mini Accordion Albums come in two sizes, 2.5″ x 3.5″ and 3″ x 3″.
Cover options include eurohyde or art cloth in several different colors, custom printed satin, and custom printed metallic. They feature a hidden magnetic closure in the covers.

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Gift idea: DVD Slideshows

With only a little over two months until Christmas (Yes, that’s right. I even checked the calendar myself.), now is a great time to start thinking about all those hard to buy for people. How about simplifying your shopping this year with custom photo gifts? One great gift that every grandparent will love – DVD slideshows of their sweet grandbabies’ portraits set to beautiful (or fun, or sentimental, or silly, or whatever your taste is) music! These aren’t your old-school PowerPoint slideshows either! CLICK HERE to see for yourself!

Custom greeting cards

Want to make sure you don’t grab the same box of cards off the store shelf as three of your relatives? How about custom designed greeting cards featuring the smiling faces of your family? Here are a few of the custom cards I have designed this year.

And custom cards aren’t just for Christmas anymore! Why not avoid the holiday rush and send out cards at Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter, a birthday, or any other holiday you enjoy?

Card designs can be purchased as jpegs, or for a cards that really stand out, ask about all the printed greeting card options I offer!

Brooklyn & Madison. New to the world.


I recently had the awesome opportunity to photograph a set of beautiful twin girls before they even left the hospital. I love babies.
Click the link above to see the slideshow.